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Tampilkan postingan dengan label wet cake recipes. Tampilkan semua postingan

Senin, 04 Februari 2019

How to make fresh green grass drink

Have you ever made cincau with real cincau leaves? Hm ... if I have never tried to make this natural grass jelly myself. If you have a yard or a rather large yard, try planting a little cincau. The grass jelly grows creepingly, although it will spread a little later and become a lot.

How to make fresh green grass drink

Cincau from Cincau leaves contains substances that are good for the body. For those of you who like to drink cincau, both cincau and cincau compote certainly get tremendous benefits in your body. Okay back to the topic, for those who are interested in making native cincau leaves naturally can see the full method below. How to make it easy anyway, which must pay attention to step by step in making it.

Natural Green Cincau Natural Leaf Material

⇶300 ml boiled water
⇶40 sheets of grass jelly leaves which are being washed

How to Make Natural Green Cincau Natural Leaves

  1. First squeeze the fresh cincau leaves
  2. Pour 1/2 part of water little by little while continuing to squeeze until the mucus / gel comes out green.
  3. Next strain the cincau leaves squeeze.
  4. Then knead the pulp (grass jelly leaves) while pouring the remaining water out of the mucus. After that strain.
  5. Now, keep the cincau leaf filter in the refrigerator until it's frozen for about 3-4 hours.
  6. Green grass jelly ready to use, can be processed further into fresh cincau ice.
  7.  source : cara buat cincau

Sabtu, 02 Februari 2019

Soft and Tasty Potato Donut Recipe

Donuts are just one delicious and appetizing cake. Donuts have also become one of the favorite cakes of almost everyone. From adults to children, you definitely like donuts. Moreover, if the donuts consumed has a soft texture, savory and sweet taste and decoration that makes you happy.

Potato Donut Recipe

Talking about soft and tasty donuts, this time the Delicious Cake Recipe has a recipe for making soft and tasty donuts. The recipe is a potato donuts recipe. What is the recipe like? Look carefully at the following.

Material used

1/2 kg of flour (super quality)
4 eggs
1/4 kg of potatoes
1/4 kg of butter
10 grams of instant yeast
1 tsp salt
4 tablespoons of sugar (or enough to taste)
4 tablespoons of full cream powdered milk
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup of water (about 100 ml)
Adequate cooking oil

Material for decoration

100 grams of dark cooking chocolate (melting)
1 tbsp margarine
Meses, sugar flour, strawberry chocolate (melting)

How to make special donuts

⇶Peel the potatoes and cut them into pieces and steam until cooked and tender. If it's cooked, mash the potatoes by pounding or blending.

⇶Add flour, milk, powdered milk, yeast, eggs, baking powder and mashed potatoes to a container. Stir all ingredients until smooth.

⇶Stir all ingredients until the mixture is smooth and let stand for about 30 minutes until the mixture expands.

⇶When the mixture is smooth, add enough butter, salt and water. Stir again until all ingredients are well mixed and the mixture is completely smooth. Let stand for about 20 minutes so the mixture expands very well.

⇶Form the mixture that has expanded into a donuts. You can shape it manually or by printing it with donut prints.

⇶Heat the oil then fry the donuts until it's golden yellow and cooked. Fry the donuts over low heat so that the donuts is formed perfectly.

⇶Ripe donuts can be topped with dark chocolate, strawberry chocolate, sugar flour or meses.

⇶Ladies, that's the recipe for making delicious and tender potato donuts. How about a recipe that is very easy right? Good luck trying this recipe and hopefully the family at home likes it, oh yes visit the source at cara bikin donat sederhana

Selasa, 22 Agustus 2017

Resep jajanan rumahan yang enak dan cara bikinnya

Jajanan rumahan sering kali kita buat sendiri, ada cukup banyak aneka jajanan rumahan, namun pada update kali ini admin akan memberkan tips cara bikin jajanan rumahan yang cukup enak, seperti es krim, bolu kukus, dan juga kue putri salju. pada hakekatnya resep cara bikin jajanan ini cukup mudah, yang penting seiapkan dahulu bahan bahan yang di gunakan dan baca petunjuk lengkapnya di sini. cake recipes

jajanan rumahan

Pada umumnya jajanan tradisional atau jajanan modern sekalipun bisa anda temukan bahan bakunya cukup mudah. Di toko aneka bahan bahan kue di jual semua di sana, sehingga cukup berkunjung di sana anda sudah bisa membeli bahan bahan kue secara lengkap. Meskipun demikian sebenarnya di warung atau pasar tradisional atau bahkan sepermarket juga ada lho. Berikut petunjuk bikin kue rumahan selengkapnya.

es krim durian

Bahan bahan yang digunakan
  • 1 buah durian ukuran sedang
  • 1/2 kaleng suku kental manis
  • 1 sendok teh SP, lebih baik setelah didinginkan
  • 2 gelas air es
Cara bikinnya
  1. Blender terlebih dahulu buah durian biar ga berserat
  2. Mixer ( air es, suku kental manis, dan juga SP, putar dengan kecepatan tinggi sampai mengembang dan kaku
  3. Masukkan duren yg telah di blender
  4. Kocok kembali sampai kaku.
  5. Lantas masukkan ke dalam wadah.
  6. Dan dinginkan.
Bolu kukus pelangi mekar

Bahan bahan yang digunakan
  • 250 gram Tepung terigu
  • 250 ml air atau bisa juga dengan air soda
  • 2 telur ayam
  • 250 gram gula pasir
  • pewarna makanan sesuai selera
  • 1/2 sendok teh TBM
Cara membuat selengkapnya
  1. Mixer telur ayam dan gula pasir sampai adonan berwarna putih.
  2. Kemudian masukan tepung terigu, TBM dan air.
  3. Mixer kembali hingga rata
  4. Bagi adonan sesuai warna yang anda gunakan
  5. Siapkan cup atau tempat kecil yang sudah diberi kertas roti.
  6. Masukan adonan sampai setengah, kemudian masukan adonan warna tersebut (tergantung selera mau berapa warna)
  7. Panaskan terlebih dahulu dandang kukusan selama 10menit.
  8. Tutup pancinya diberi lap makan agak uapnya tidak menetes pada adonan
  9. Masak hingga matang kurang lebih 20-30menit
  10. Cara ngecek apa bolu sudah matang, terlihat bolunya sudah mekar dan bisa coba ditusuk dengan garpu pada bagian tengah, apabila tidak ada adonan yg menempel berati bolu sudah matang
  11. Angkat, dinginkan lalu siap sajikan
cara membuat putri salju

Bahan bahan yang digunakan
  • 400 gr margarine
  • 400 hingga 450 gram terigu protein rendah
  • 200 gram kacang tanah sangrai, dihaluskan
  • gula pasir halus dan susu bubuk untuk taburan
Cara membuatnya
  1. Siapakan wadah dan aduk dengan spatula kayu margarine sampai terasa ringan
  2. Tambahkan kacang tanah halus, aduk rata
  3. Masukkan tepung terigu sedikit demi sedikit, sesuaikan hingga dpt dipulung
  4. Bentuk bulat agak besar, tata di loyang
  5. Panggang sekitar 30 menit dengan suhu 150°c
  6. Tata di toples..taburi kembali dgn gula halus..simpan atau sajikan
baca lebih banyak di resep masakan indonesia

Jumat, 25 November 2016

Cake recipes simple and easy way of making

Quite a lot of recipes cake recipes are simple and also very easy to make it, so I believe you are quite easy to make. With a few rehearsals would eventually become proficient and full of experience.

Not only nastar cake or kue nastar, but also bean cake is one cake that is usually there during Eid arrived. This cake is also very delicious for us to eat together with the family while relaxing, while enjoying a cup of tea or coffee. Bean cake recipe is very easy and does not require a lot of material, so if you're interested in making your own, you will not be difficult to find a recipe to make it. For those of you who can not make it, please read in full in the bean cake recipe

Bread is one type of bread used to enjoy when breakfast. Bread it can be used as a substitute for rice. This white bread as the name which has a fresh flavor. White bread usually enjoyed with extra butter which can add to the delights of this white bread.

Butter is commonly used as a complement of white bread has a whole range of flavors such as flavor strowberry example, pineapple jam, peanut butter and so forth. In addition to peanut butter, white bread can also be equipped with a cheese or can be presented in a way which is named burnt toast. How to make bread is very easy, the process of how to make it simple so you can also create your own.

Snacking is a fun hobby for many people. How come? You would like to not enjoy a full menu of snacks were tasty and delicious. Even in a state of satiety. Actually, there are some foods that can be processed into a delicious snack, but not fattening. One of them is a recipe for fried banana cheese. Surely snack menu this one is often not your taste? fried banana cheese recipe Crispy very easily found on various media.

Cake recipes simple

Potato chips are not only preferred by us who like to snack, but also favored by children. Because it feels that it is addictive so make kids are craving eating potato chips. If you buy the market or at the snack shop, of course, more practical and easier. However, by making your own snacks at home made snacks that would be tailored to your tastes.

You should also read how to make chicken porridge at resep masakan indonesia

Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2016

How to make Sponge Durian Roll Cake

Steamed sponge cake recipe this time that I make Sponge Durian Roll Cake soft and sweet. Here's a complete guide step by step how to make sponge cake roll with stuffing original durian cream. Sponge Durian Roll Cake This is preferable because it is delicious and has a fairly complete nutritional value. But if you do not like the durian can certainly be replaced with pineapple jam or the other, which would have steamed sponge cake recipe is very easy this time how her mother and young women. cara membuat kue bolu kukus

Durian Roll Cake

After successfully by making steamed sponge cake rainbow which has a very interesting look with colorful, yuk started to equip mothers recipe book with steamed sponge cake durian cream-filled original. Keep in mind that how to make durian cream is quite easy, with ingredients such as native durian, milk, sugar, cornstarch, and other materials, it will create a soft creamy taste of durian were quite tasty and nutritious.

Tartine Steamed cake Durian is currently quite popular and became a byword mothers of young mothers because it is quite attractive appearance, and not only turns the children is also very like it because it tastes sweet. Thus course Steamed Durian Cake Tartine this could be for lunch when the sons and daughters of the mother to go to school. Kan better bring own lunch snacks instead of buying in front of schools that do not necessarily hygienic right.

In fact, not only that, Steamed Durian Cake Tartine is pretty respectable for important visitors mother grain, because the steamed sponge cake display is quite luxurious or it could be for the former when they travel to the homes of relatives. Of course, the mother would be very proud if could make Tartine Steamed Durian with his own hands. Do not worry because I make steamed sponge cake durian is arguably quite easy and does not require experience in baking.

As it is known that most of the sponge cake is made by using an oven such as pandan sponge cake that has the look of a green pandan. However, the advantages in the manufacture of Tartine Steamed Durian only use langseng as a means to steam, thus fairly simple crockery and mother all would have the steamer. When stirring durian meat so tender mother could use a mixer blender, so not a lot of equipment you use.

Equipment used

mixer blender
Loyang steel box model size 25 cm x 30 cm x 3 cm
Some container for dough
Several sheets of baking paper pad
Langseng or place for steaming
Gas stove

Materials used

Yolk: 10 grains
White Eggs: 3 eggs
Granulated sugar: 150 grams
Salt: ± ¼ teaspoon
Wheat flour: 150 grams, you should use the protein being
Baking powder: ± ½ teaspoon
Milk: 50 ml
Margarine: 50 grams, mothers can use the Blue Band Cake and Cookie.
Water ice: ± 100 ml

Ingredients for the cream

Durian flesh: ± 100 g, preferably in the blender first so soft
Liquid milk: ± 150 ml
Granulated sugar: ± 25 gram
Cornstarch 15: ± grams
Salt: 1/8 teaspoon ±
Egg yolk: 1 point
Cream powder: 50 grams, can use Whipped Cream
Pasta yellow: some hatching (to taste).
How to make cakes Tartine Durian

The first step: how to make a Sponge Durian Roll Cake

  1. First whipped egg (yolk + egg white) and sugar until fluffy, then add (baking powder and flour) sifted. Then stir stir with a wooden spoon until mixed evenly.
  2. Then enter the margarine has melted earlier and stir stir again.
  3. Prepare a baking sheet steel and paper pads give bread to taste. Then pour the batter until evenly distributed.
  4. Now steamed until cooked and lift.

Step two: how to make the stuffing (cream)

  1. First durian meat blender until smooth.
  2. Then take a medium-size saucepan and boil (liquid milk, soft durian meat, sugar, cornstarch, and salt) to a boil, then add a few drops of yellow pasta.
  3. To temporarily turn off the stove and add the egg yolks while stirring very quickly (so the yolks do not curdle). Boil back to the boil. Then remove and let cool.
  4. Now make whipped cream, put 50 grams of cream powder and add 100 ml of ice water, then beat until smooth. You can also use Whipped Cream but remained in first shake until smooth.
  5. Now take another container and enter the VLA (cream that you created earlier) beat until smooth and add the whipped cream. Stir until blended and smooth mix. what it VLA
  6. The last step grab a sponge cake from the pan and add the cream on the edge extends as stuffing, then roll nicely.
  7. durian rolls steamed sponge cake is ready to serve.

Serve Tartine Durian cake with chopped first round with a cup of hot tea. Sponge cake included in the ranks of wet cake recipe that a lot of fans, let's also learn how to create a sponge cake baked cherry soft tasty. Should also read chicken soup savory

Selasa, 09 Februari 2016

An easy way to make a donut

Recipe cakes donuts today much sought after, the article of food does have a delicious taste. Donat is one of the foods are quite popular in Indonesia. A variety of donuts can be found in Indonesia, such as Soft Potato Recipe Donuts.

For those of you who want to make the cake on this one, see the following reviews. To make the cake donuts is not a difficult thing. You can make yourself at home. Assorted donuts you make will taste better because it is homemade. It's her tips to make delicious cakes donuts in an easy way. resep donat kentang

Recipe cakes donuts easy to manufacture. The materials needed just a little, or you can also add other ingredients as a mixture.

Ingredients / Seasonings:
  • 500 grams of wheat flour
  • 6 grams instant yeast
  • 4 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • Milk powder 3 tablespoons
  • 3 tablespoons butter then
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • Egg 2 point (take yellow only)
  • Water 200 cc
How to make :

  1. Beat the egg with a spoon, fill sugar, milk, salt, butter and flour. Mix well.
  2. Insert the yeast into the water, mix well and pour into the batter. Stir and knead the dough until smooth, let stand for 20 minutes.
  3. Divide the dough into small size, let stand again for 20 minutes.
  4. The next donuts recipe cakes that you can instantly create a circle of each piece of dough, middle holes with your fingers.
  5. The fried donuts using hot oil, a small fire. Fry until golden and drain. The donuts are ready to be served.
It's a donuts recipes Recipes Indonesian version that does not use a mixture of materials other than just the main ingredients wheat flour alone. For those of you who want to add other ingredients to taste more delicious. Find other recipes in Resep Masakan Indonesia