Kamis, 14 April 2016

How to make tempeh with ease

How to make tempeh is very easy. You can make your own with complete instructions on how to make tempeh from start to write the admin so tempeh and gradually to make it easier to follow. By following the instructions are complete and sequential then certainly tempe you will be perfect, white, clean, and not smell sour. Sure there are several steps and tricks on how to make tempeh tasty, not sour, white and clean with mushroom tempe solid.

Despite making tempe is easy enough, but there is little secret that tempeh does not taste or smell sour. The key point in making a good tempeh is the water you use and quality yeast tempeh. There is now a lot of selling tempe yeast in the traditional market. However, if you do not get yeast tempeh, can make themselves know.

How to make tempeh yeast there are several kinds. However, if for the first time in making tempe, tempe yeast certainly could use that are sold on the market or by drying the soybean that is so, then mash until smooth. The tempeh flour can also be used as a yeast tempeh.

Tempe is a vegetable material which has a fairly high nutrient content. In addition to very low prices can also be easily obtained / purchased. You can easily buy raw tempeh in the shop or in the market with cheap price.

The nutritional content of tempe quite perfect, tempeh is rich in dietary fiber, rich in calcium, vitamin B, and contains a lot of iron. Besides, tempeh also contains antibiotics and antioxidants are believed to help cure the infection and degenerative diseases.

Today quite a lot of food if the main ingredient tempeh, one of which is "resep orek tempe" that the seasoning simple, yet able to bring the taste is pretty good. Even when the time comes to eat, only with white rice, "masakan sayur asem", and Orek tempe is enough favors. Or it could be warm with white rice, cooking Orek spicy tempeh, and "sayur sop" is also already quite scrumptious. Well for some women who have grown accustomed to spicy menu can be added one more dish that is "sambal goreng kentang", hmm savory steady.

Well for those of you who happen to want to make tempeh alone and confused where to start, can follow instructions on how to make tempeh admin presented to you. Once you are adept at making tempe, why not try to sell tempe, thus increasing the family income. which is important to remember is for your homemade tempeh white and clean and did not smell sour, then the consumer will be happy and subscribed, although the price is a little expensive, because the mothers mothers today are more selective.

An easy way to make tempeh

Before you get in the manufacture of tempeh, it helps prepare the material and equipment needed, making it easier and not a loss for the current equipment make it. But in making tempe need not hurry hurry, simply stepped sanatai alone. Just so you know admin gain experience in making tempeh because it comes from a family of craftsmen tempe, so know everything about tempeh. For the initial phase should start a little time ago, for example, 1 kg of soybean. Well let's get started!

The main ingredient
  • Soybean 1 kg.
  • Tapioca flour about 1 to 2 tablespoons.
  • Clean water.
  • About 10 grams of yeast tempeh.
  • Pot to stew, cormorant or langseng, gas stove, banana leaves or plastic, sieve, winnowing, and other necessary equipment.
Tutorial how to make tempeh
  1. Clean soybeans from all impurities, such as stones, gravel, and soybean stems.
  2. Soybeans boiled until cooked and tender, then remove and let cool.
  3. Change soybean cooking water with clean water and do soaking up all night.
  4. Furthermore, drain soybeans that have been soaked earlier, then break / separated soybean with the skin. Separating it squeezing kneaded enough (if a bit), but if a polynomial (several kilos) can get by using a special container made of bamboo (rinjing). Enter the soybean and trampled underfoot until his skin apart. Then rinse soy really clean, drain.
  5. Well now soy steamed until cooked peeled earlier. Remove and let cool naturally.
  6. Furthermore, in order to flatten the winnowing process faster cooling. In this stage you have to make sure that the peeled boiled soybeans have been really cool, and do not move to the next stage if it does not cool properly.
  7. The next phase, spread over 10 grams of tempe yeast and 2 tablespoons of tapioca flour. You can also add approximately ¼ soy skin. Then stir stir up really evenly.
  8. Last wrap with banana leaves or it could be a thin plastic bag (before skewer skewers advance for circulation).
  9. Up here you've finished making tempeh.
The process of development of fungi tempeh (rhizopus) will take about 2 days (48 hours). So that you are ready-made tempeh consumed or sold after two days of the wrapping process. The thing to remember is do not be stacked because the package tempeh fungus rhizopus process will not be perfect. Also, read the instructions "cara membuat tape ketan hitam".

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