Senin, 11 April 2016

Fish dishes tasty and delicious

Fish dishes - fish into Indonesian family menu, recipes Indonesian cuisine is a variety of traditional dishes as well as national collection Indonesia is not only tasty and delicious, but also nutritious. One of them is the variety of fish recipes to support your entire family nutrition. Here are some recipes of fish that you must know and can you cook for the family's needs.

Fish dishes - fish into Indonesian family menu, recipes Indonesian cuisine is a variety of traditional dishes as well as national collection Indonesia is not only tasty and delicious, but also nutritious. One of them is the variety of fish recipes to support your entire family nutrition. Here are some recipes of fish that you must know and can you cook for the family's needs.

Goldfish is one hefty fishery products sold in the market, both in large cities and in the regions. Sales goldfish always showed an increase which was quite nice. Today quite a lot of recipes carp , one of the simplest is the combustion process, in addition to more healthy too little fat. Note that the recipe grilled carp using simple seasoning spices, such as: Garlic, Onion, Cayenne pepper, red pepper, coriander, ginger, Tamarind.

Many also really kind of grilled fish, especially fresh fish was fresh, delicious wow. Other freshwater fish are also delicious cooked with burned is mackerel. Recipes mackerel manner in this most delicious grilled with soy sauce. Mackerel grilled soy sauce is very fitting when New Year's Eve or gathering together.

Well there is one more difference, but a lot of fans, the "fish" catfish, catfish yes indeed include fish, but rarely a mention as catfish. Prescription pecel catfish is actually easy and simple, but many who have never tried to cook it. Once time may also create their own pecel catfish, besides cheaper too can show your creations.

But for those who like the traditional cuisine in a natural way, of course, cooked with spiced certainly more delicious. How make steamed fish is actually easy to know the mother, and the material the material is also simple and cheap, almost all types of fish can be made ​​Pepes, such as milkfish, tilapia fish , mackerel, and others.

For those who like the fried fish there are few tasty tips. The most delicious fried fish course in deep-fried so crisp. To get the fried fish dishes should certainly correct way. Because there are so many that are often charred slightly bitter. Learn how to fry fish right so that in addition to not burn too much crunchy and crisp. source : resep masakan sederhana

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